Guest Wifi

Guest Wifi Services in South Wales and South West England

Guest WiFi – Get to know your customers

Guest WiFi is a secure and convenient way to connect to the internet without remembering or entering a password. Guest WiFi is available at most public locations, such as hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops.

To connect, select the Guest WiFi network and enter your email address. You will automatically connect to the internet. Guest WiFi is a secure connection, and your data won’t be shared with other users on the network.

Collect customer data for marketing

Guest WiFi allows you to capture customer data, such as email addresses and phone numbers, which you can use for marketing and promotional purposes.

SMS & email marketing is a great way to target those customers who have already shown an interest in your business by connecting to your Guest WiFi.

Guest WiFi is easy to set up and manage, and there are no monthly fees. You can get started with Guest WiFi in minutes, and it’s a great way to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Tailored promotions

Guest WiFi marketing gives you a way to automate your bespoke marketing campaigns. Send emails and SMS communications in real-time so visitors can still receive the latest updates from their favourite brands, even if they’re not connected at home or work.

With highly targeted messages based on behaviour patterns stored inside our system along with visitor demographics, we make sure no one falls behind while browsing through content online before heading out for an event, leading them back safely with relevant offers waiting just around every corner ready made by you.

Customer insight and business analytics

Guest WiFi analytics is a great way to gather customer insights through guest networks. You’ll find the most common types in hotels, cafes and various other store types, including any business with an internet connection that allows guests access without paying for it themselves. Analytics can collect authorised data from associated devices and unauthorised information about what people do on these open networks, which will give insight into who they are and how much time they spend on them.

Branded WIFI landing page

WiFi landing pages are great for marketing your business because they allow you to advertise what’s available at the location. They also serve as an easy connection point when people first come in with their guest WiFi credentials, making it easier.

Some things to consider when creating your WiFi landing page:

  • Use strong calls to action to encourage people to connect.
  • Make sure your branding is front and centre.
  • Provide valuable content that will keep people engaged.
  • Use images and videos to grab attention.
  • Make it easy for people to sign up for your guest WiFi.
  • Use guest WiFi to collect customer data for marketing purposes.
  • Use guest WiFi to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Make sure your WiFi landing page is mobile-friendly.
  • Use A/B testing to optimise your WiFi landing page.

Guest WiFi is a great way to collect customer data, improve customer satisfaction, and increase loyalty. Use these tips to create a powerful WiFi landing page to help you achieve your business goals.

Social media integration

Visitors can easily connect to the guest WIFI through their social media accounts. This innovative service automatically logs them in and joins the device without hassle or difficulty.

How to Generate revenue using guest WIFI?

Guest WiFi is a great way to generate revenue for your business. There are many ways to do this, such as charging for access, running ads, or offering premium content.

You can use Guest WiFi to collect payments and track usage if you charge for access. You can also offer discounts and coupons to encourage people to sign up for your Guest WiFi. If you run ads, you can use Guest WiFi to display targeted ads to your guests. You can also offer sponsorships and other advertising opportunities.

To find out more about our guest wifi services, or to speak to one of our team about your specific requirements, call us today on 029 2081 1488, and we’ll be happy to help.