On-Hold Music Production

Leased Line Solutions in South Wales and South West England

MOH: Music on hold

Music is an excellent way to keep hold times shorter and more entertaining for your customers. When they’re waiting in line, the music can help take their mind off of how long it’s taking by distracting them with enjoyable tunes that represent who you are as a company or brand.

Putting music on hold can:

  • Keep them from feeling frustrated or angry at you and your business.
  • Allow you to take care of other customers without worrying about losing them.
  • Make the caller feel like their wait time is shorter than it is.

It’s important to select music on hold that is appropriate for your business. You want it to sound professional yet not so dull that it puts people to sleep. The best way to find good music on hold is to ask your customers what they think. They’ll be able to give you the best feedback.

At Integer IT & Telecom, you can choose your music on hold. Choosing the right music to your target audience is a great way to keep your customers happy, as you know them best.

Bespoke on-hold production promoting your business

Integer IT & Telecom can float your business brand above the music on hold; nothing like a bit of brand promotion.

Your company’s music on hold can say a lot about your business; you can use it to promote your brand, products, services, or even just to thank your customers for their continued loyalty. Whatever you decide to use it for, make sure it is high-quality and represents your company well.

We have a wide selection of music to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that suits your business. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, we can create custom on- hold messages and music.

We can help you select the perfect music for your business and brand needs and create custom on-hold messages that promote your products or services.

Reiterating your brand while your customers or potential customers are on hold is a great way to keep you fresh in their minds; they certainly won’t forget you in a hurry after a telephone call.

There’s nothing more professional than having an automated voice explaining that you’re in a queue and that your call will be answered shortly; you can choose this voice and tone of voice to match your business brand.

Integer IT & Telecom can help you choose the right fit for your business to take the business to the next step in professionalism.

Integer IT & Telecom is a local business covering the whole of Wales and Southwest of England. We have been in the IT & Telecoms industry for over 10 years and have a wealth of experience in offering our customers a first-class service.

To find out more about our on-hold music, or to speak to one of our team about your specific requirements, call us today on 029 2081 1488, and we’ll be happy to help.