Cloud Numbers

Cloud Telephone Numbers in South Wales and South West England

What are Cloud Numbers?

Cloud numbers are phone numbers that are not tied to a specific location, making them ideal for businesses that have employees or customers in multiple locations. Cloud calling is a term used to describe making and receiving calls using cloud-based technology.

There are many benefits to using cloud numbers for business, including the ability to manage multiple numbers from a single account, the flexibility to add or remove numbers as needed, and the ability to route calls to any location.

If you’re considering using cloud numbers for your business, it’s crucial to understand how they work and the available features. Integer IT & Telecom will provide everything you need to know about cloud numbers, including how to get started and make the most of them.

Cloud numbers are the future of customer service. With a simple web interface, you can set up your inbound number to answer on an open or closed schedule with diverting options that help keep calls coming through relevant channels for maximum exposure.

You’ll also find special features like ringback tones, so people know exactly where their call will go when they pick it up, and there’s no need to worry about waiting around while someone else takes care of business because we’ve got speeds fast enough just in case.

Integer IT & Telecom will set you up with the perfect cloud number for your business needs. With our easy-to-use online interface, you can add or remove numbers as needed and route calls to any location.

Get started today and see how cloud numbers can help your business!

UK Geographical Numbers

Integer IT & Telecom offers a variety of UK Geographical Numbers, including 08 and 03 numbers. If you want to outdo your competitors and generate more sales, then it’s time to change how we answer calls. Our mobile phone answering service includes 08 & 03 numbers; this can be configured so that they route right onto the device. So not only will you get all those potential customers on board with you, but you also have the edge over other businesses that may not yet use this technology.

Your messages are always important, so we ensure you never miss another call with our voicemail system. Friendly and professional messages will be played on the network caller ID if someone leaves one unanswered or missed; this way, it’s easy for your clients to reach out again in case there was any confusion about what they wanted! You can also get an instant email notification whenever somebody sends over their favourite musical tones (in .mp3/wav format), which is perfect since most people don’t enjoy waiting around listening to long phone calls.

Forwarding Calls

Forward your incoming calls to a UK mobile or landline so you can take care of business without being interrupted.

The best way for international entrepreneurs, freelancers and remote workers who work from home is to have their private numbers. Forwarding all those pesky overseas messages directly into an answering machine will allow them peace of mind knowing that no one will be reaching out unless it’s really important.

Call control is so easy with our online system; you can dial in or use your computer to access the calls you want and set up a time for them! We’ll even let both parties know when they’re being recorded.

Integer IT & Telecom is a local business covering the whole of Wales and Southwest of England. We have been in the IT & Telecoms industry for over 10 years and have a wealth of experience in offering our customers a first-class service.

To find out more about our cloud telephone systems, or to speak to one of our team about your specific requirements, call us today on 029 2081 1488, and we’ll be happy to help.